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Pigeon Lofts

A Pigeon loft is a great investment for bird-lovers. Pigeon keeping is becoming more and more popular in the UK. Pigeon lofts come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and designs. A ShedsIn loft could be just what you need to give your feathered friends a luxurious home.

All aviaries use 3″ x 2″ framing  19mm and tongue and groove shiplap cladding throughout.
ShedsIn can also create bespoke/custom built animal housing. Please contact us regarding your requirements.

ShedsIn can also create bespoke/custom built animal housing. Please contact us regarding your requirements.

Budget Pigeon Loft

Green mineral felt roof
Tanalised timber 3 x 2″ 19mm shiplap tongue & groove
Roof height: 6′ 10″ at highest point,
6′ 6″ at lowest point
Internal venting

Size Cost Tanalised Bearers
4′ x 4′
6′ x 4′

Compact Pigeon Loft

Green mineral felt roof
Tanalised timber 3 x 2″ 19mm shiplap tongue & groove
Roof height: 6′ 10″ at highest point,
6′ 6″ at lowest point
Internal venting
Internal mesh sliding door 1/2″ x 1/2″ 16 guage
Double doors – can be left open
Side windows for extra lighting when doors are shut.

Size Cost Tanalised Bearers
7′ x 4′
10′ x 4′

Basic Pigeon Loft

Green mineral felt roof
Tanalised timber 3 x 2″ 19mm shiplap tongue & groove
Roof height: 6′ 9″ at highest point,
6′ 5″ at lowest point

Size Cost Tanalised Bearers
10′ x 4′
12′ x 4′

Stock Pigeon Loft

Green mineral felt roof
Tanalised timber 3 x 2″
19mm shiplap tongue & groove
Roof height: 6′ 9″ at highest point,
6′ 2″ at lowest point
Removable shutters
Sliding door to side
Well vented
1/2″ x 1/2″ welded mesh 16 guage
Roof ventilation

Size Cost Tanalised Bearers
6′ x 4′
6′ x 6′
6′ x 10′

Intermediant Pigeon Loft

Green mineral felt roof
Tanalised timber 3 x 2″ 19mm shiplap tongue & groove
Roof height: 6′ 9″ at highest point,
6′ 5″ at lowest point
Internal sliding mesh door
Dual mesh front windows with sliding cover.

Size Cost Tanalised Bearers
10′ x 6′
12′ x 6′

Advanced Pigeon Loft

Green mineral felt roof
Tanalised timber 3 x 2″ 19mm shiplap tongue & groove
Roof height: 7′ 2″ at highest point,
6′ 6″ at lowest point
Sectional inner wall with sliding door
Dual opening ledges
Sliding wind protectors

Size Cost Tanalised Bearers
8′ x 6′
10′ x 6′
12′ x 6′

Deluxe Pigeon Loft

Green mineral felt roof
Tanalised timber 3 x 2″ 19mm shiplap tongue & groove
Roof height: 7′ 2″ at highest point,
6′ 6″ at lowest point
Sectional inner wall with sliding door
Dual opening ledges
Internal venting
Sliding plastic wind protectors
Sliding mesh lower sliders

Size Cost Tanalised Bearers
10′ x 6′
12′ x 6′